I try to find places where the locals do not go. I want to see and experiance what it would be like to live in Spain. Well for today I live in Spain and need to go to the market.
I enter the mosaic tiled building and the smell of fish over powers the room. People shop for their meals that they will prepair for dinner staring at 10pm. They choose between dozens of fresh fruit and vegetable, meat, pastries, and seafood stands. The colors of the sea are laid out before me. Butchers cut fresh meat and I see in Spain they do not spare any part of the animal.
I must say that I enjoy the pastries that are filled with fruit and vegetables. I am not sure what they are called, and if I did I would not know how to spell it... I just call them "puffs with stuff".
I purchase the largest grapes I have ever seen and share strawberries with my new pals from New York. My attemps to find a place where tourist do not go has failed. There are flyers with camers crossed out hanging from many of the booths. I can tell the locals do not necessarly appreciate the tourism industry. I am not the only foreigner that wants to see what is like to live in spain.

K- I believe your pastries are called Empenadas, am I right? The countryside looks gorgeous. Miss you.
Jen G.
Empanadas are correct. They have them all over South America as well.
PS - Did you notice the difference in how they pronounce Valencia. "Balencia" and "Velensee-ya". The difference between regions of Spain. Spain is the only place worth going to in Europa.
Much love to you and your endeavours. Love the photos.
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