If you ask an Italian where they would go on vacation, they say the almaphie cost. Positano, a little village on the sea, if more beuatiful than what I have already seen. It is different, so I cannot say that it is more beuatiful than tuscany or any other part, but it is beautiful. I will have another weekend with my two favorite things-the sea-the mountains.
TOday I am tired. It is Saturday and the roads along the coast are busy with winding cliff roads that are packed with itallian motorcycles, tour buses, and mini cars. I have never seen more dangerous roads. Switchbacks, 90 degree turns, buses and trucks blast their horns before entering each turn, and blind corners that are only wide enough for one bus. I can imagine the view I will miss today, but there is tomorrow, with less traffic. I am not in the mood for motorcycles speeding,horns blaring, and itallians hanging out the car windows saying god know what. I need a relaxing say at the beach.

I lay on the smoothed rock beach with speckles of emerald green, amber, and electric blue glass that has been softened with time. Rugged layered clifs are lined with sugar cube houses that over look the sea. A mix of italians and tourists relax on the beach. Naked children throw the black beach, lovers embrace, and hand fulls of packed itallian men try to get the attention of this tennesse girl that does not want to be bothered.
I decide to go on a boat ride, The itallians call this the rubber boat. It it the perfect palce to see the cliff lined naked beaches with the bluest water, hidden caves, and just beautiful.

AS I return to my home for the day, I pass a local man that makes sandels. HUndreds of styles, colors, shapes that I can choose from. THey make a pair to fit my little fat feet perfrect.
RElaxed, shoe happy, a little burnt, and maybe a little too tipsy, I end the day reflecting on how happy this gal can get.
Amore, Katelyn

I lay on the smoothed rock beach with speckles of emerald green, amber, and electric blue glass that has been softened with time. Rugged layered clifs are lined with sugar cube houses that over look the sea. A mix of italians and tourists relax on the beach. Naked children throw the black beach, lovers embrace, and hand fulls of packed itallian men try to get the attention of this tennesse girl that does not want to be bothered.
I decide to go on a boat ride, The itallians call this the rubber boat. It it the perfect palce to see the cliff lined naked beaches with the bluest water, hidden caves, and just beautiful.

AS I return to my home for the day, I pass a local man that makes sandels. HUndreds of styles, colors, shapes that I can choose from. THey make a pair to fit my little fat feet perfrect.
RElaxed, shoe happy, a little burnt, and maybe a little too tipsy, I end the day reflecting on how happy this gal can get.
Amore, Katelyn
1 comment:
It sounds like you are having a great time. And you look wonderful! Have a gelato for me!
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