I could not put my finger on it when I was tring to distinguish the difference between the spanish and Itallian people. They generally have very similar features and stature. It was not the hair or skin that is different, but something about the spanish was darker. Was it in their dress? They layered their dark clothing with splashes of color, leather boots or shoes were the norm, large framed glasses with sharp angles rested on their noses, men and women with big designer bags hurried down the steets.The itallians dressed the same way, and have a similar look. Both generally have dark hair and olive skin. My answer became apparent as I stepped off the train to Milan. I approached the customes officer and as he glared at me to determine if my pass port photo was actaully my own, I lost my breath. His breath taking light eyes popped due to the backdrop of his dark complexion.(I guess you can say I am a sucker for a man with dark hair, olive skin, and light eyes)I have relized the difference, the spanish eyes are generally sharp and dark, not only the eye color but the lashes. This must be due to the Arabic ansystery.
Moments later, I then notice the striking hazel hues of a youg woman's eyes as she cried kissing her boy friend goodby.The white of her eyes have become pink and shimmed from her tears. I finally can see how this can be beautiful. I have been told in the past that my eyes look beautiful when I cry. I never understood, but now I do.
Now you know how italian I am ..my blue eyes...and..dark hair..well if I didn't keep coloring my hair..LOL...are you going to fall in love with an Italian? You are going to be working off those carbs there! :) But do it anyway. CG
HI! I am finally able to find out how to post a message to you! Have been trying for a week! What an amazing trip you are having! I am so in awe of everything you are doing. I hope you are well-I miss you but I am happy to see everything you are up to-call me when you get back!
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