Thursday 10 May 2007

To the Sea I go, Alhama Granada to Almunecar Spain 88k 15k by car 5 hours

I am sitting at a bar, drinking my third coca-cola, waiting for the rain to stop. It has taken me 3.5 hours to get this far. Much slower than I thought, but this can be expected when you have 25 pounds strapped to your back. I am kicking myself for bringing all this crap- I never wanted so much in my life to leave any shoes behind until now...but Italian and spanish know what I mean ladies!!!

Add to this that I have ridden over 200 k in the past 3 days and have climed many thousands of feet. At times I am only going 10kph on flats.I am tired and look forward to getting to the beach so I can lay around and be lazy. I will deserve it when I get there. I now only have 3 hours of sun light left. I cannot brave the wet roads with the dangerous descent I have comming up. It makes it even more dangerous with the added weight I have strapped to my I waite. I have already figured out how to ask in Spainish where a pension is located in the village whereI am keeping dry on my adventure to the sea.

Luckly, the weather passes and it looks like I can continue my adventure safely to the sea. However, I am concerned with the time. I soon find that I am glad that I decided to continue. The beauty is amazing. I went from farm land with rolling hills..

to mountain passes that look and smell like colorado. The pine trees and mountain roads curving and winding along the cliffs, gorges cut into the stone from water that still travels to the sea, reminds me of a place I once called home. Vertigo oversomes me again. I squeeze my breaks for dozens of minutes... my veins come to the surface of my skin...ahhhh...arm pump. I then hear a honk from a small white pick-up truck that held two gentelmen that were in the bar were I was hiding from the rain. They asked if I needed a ride. Sure!! Why not. It is better being stuck out in the middle of no where in the dark. So my bike and my carrier bag gets thrown in the back and I sit between two middle aged spanish men tring to make small talk as we wind down the most dangerous roads I have ever seen. Both BEE Keepers in a tiny village perched on the mountain side about 15k from my sea side destination, they give me a ride up to this point.

I make it to my sea side village, just at dawn, in time to take a few pictures, and find a cheep hotel right on the ocean.

So, I think..this is why I love Spain. You can ride your bike about 60 miles and ride through farm land, ride down mountain passes, and ride by the ocean. Perfect!


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