Saturday 5 May 2007

My Twin, Andusila, Spain 96k 3:46

I have been enjoying my time on the bike, but truthfuly, I am looking forward to company. I am to meet my cycling tour today. My tour leaders take me to a little village called Alhama Granada. It is a wonderful area with amazing views of the Sierra Nevadas....Where I will spend many hours climbing toward the clouds. A far southern region of Spain, the Andulusian region has a strong influence of the Muslim culture that has left a imprint on the culture.

I am pleased to be housed in a beautiful bread and breakfast with a wonderful Spanish family. I have the most beautiful views of the pristine gorge.Paco and Loyla are absolutly wonderful. Paco is a character. He is a famouns flamengo singer and frequently breaks out into song when he is inspired. He likes to pinch my cheeks and even with a major language barrier, he always knows what i want to eat. He is paired with Lolya, a stong women that is running for mayor of the town. Me casa su casa is is the theme

I soon become dissapointed when I came to find that there is no group....only one other woman from scottland. I decide to keep the theme of "going with the flow" and keep an open mind about how things always seem to work out for me.

By the end of a wonderful ride through the country side, i have quickly realized that my scottish companion will be part of my life for a long time.

It is very rare to meet someone you click with instantly. I call Liz my Twin. Maybe it is this way becuase she cycles all over the world, she is scottish and I feel some connection with my heritage being with her, maybe because we have lived parallel lifes with work and love, or maybe because we share the same dreams about how we want to live our lifes. All I know is that I am so happy to be on this tour with her. I told her meeting her she was worth every penny that I spent on the tour. I am glad there is no group and reflect on how God opens doors for those who are ready.

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