I also got to spend last night with Caroll, rubens room mate. We had a girls night because ruben left to go work on the train. Caroll, a traditional spanish beauty, petite, brown lovely eyes, and long wavy hair speaks better english than she thinks. Raised in a resort town in the south of spain, she has become more familiar with english than most spanish people. We decide to make a light dinner and begin to get to know each other.I tell her that I am glad Ruben went to work so we may get to know each other. I tell her that I have not met many local girls. It seems that they travel in packs and are not as friendly as the men. Obviously the men have another agenda. They also get straight to the point... Are you married, do you have boyfriend,-even ask if I have kids.. So many times I have heard this- I can recognize these questions in spaish and itallian.. I stick out like a score thumb here, a blondie, different. I was even told I look exotic by 2 drop dead gorgious spanish women on the bus...exotic is different..so I guess here I am something I lever considered myself as even close to.. Caroll seems pleased that I shared with her that I enjoy her company. She begins to tell me how she came to be ruben's roomate..Two months ago she decided to leave her long term boyfriend. She is learning to become herself again, finding what she likes, and persuring her dream of finding a job that uses her eduction. We are siilar in many ways, even how we thinks. Culture does not define a strong woman. She reminds me Of people..how different we are, but how similar we can become when it comes to finding what makes one happy. It is simple really. Maybe slightly different depending on the time of ones life,culture, or environment. You take it away..all the layers and I think most people want acceptance of ones self, to love and to be loved. Yes I think it is that simple. The question is....how do you find it, or is it to be found....
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