I finally made it to my Tuscany. Twenty four hours of traveling, one cancelled plain, a reseched flight the next day, 4-one hour bus rides, a two hour nights rest in a over priced hotel room, 5 taxi rides, 4 train rides, a awesome dinner at "4 cats" a resurant in Barcelona where Picasso frequented, Increments of sleep for maybe a total of 4 hours.. All of this seems bad, but I could not imagine where and how things would of turned out if I had not met a US Army Captain that is stationed in Pisa and happened to be on the same flight. Captain D., took care of it all with his fluent Italian and specialty in transportation. He says..no problem when I thank him for helping me. He says..he does things to bring good Karma... He needs it when he goes south, and this does not mean southern italy... But Iraq.
I am here, loaded on caffeine. All I want to do is get on my bike before the sun leaves tuscany. I find a hostel last minute in a area close to florence, about 30k....a perfect bike ride. Travonellie, a pituresk village, tuesday night festival in the town square, Thursday market, quaint cafe's and hustling bars...Yes, Perfect. I almost feel guilty because I have realized I am close to the Fasoritta Bassetto, I should be there, a place that I said at one time...a place I could in the future call home. However, I need to cycle new roads if I want to plan a cycling tour of wine country. I have covered all the tiny paved roads that wind up and down the tuscany county side in the vicinity of the Bassetto. I have seen the southern region, around Siena. I need to go north now, there is more beauty to see.
Yes, ride I did. I got a taste of my tuscany last night and today. The crisp cold air cools my warm skin perfectly. I can feel fall comming here, not like back in Tennessee. I am spoiled this time, in the Chanti wine region, I see grapes.
The real grapes. Miles and miles of rows that sprawl as far as the eye can see.
Castles, Farms, and villages are scattered among the green. My legs burn as I head to Firenze, or Florence we Americans call it, Last night's ride got to me. Florence is directly north on a small highway- with traffic. I plan my route with a local Italian man that works at the hostel. I tell him I want to go on little roads. I tell him I want to add about 25-30k to the direct route to florence, for a total of 60k. He keeps steering me away from this and only says, "there is nothing to see there, except for the country side". "Yes, good I say, this is what I want." "But it is very steep and you will be in the middle of no where", he continues. Yes, Perfect I say. For some reason I do not think people get me. I have made it a general rule, if someone tells me not to go somewhere, then this is exactly where I should go.... This took me to a village called IMPRULA.... I arrive at about 2 and find a village in fiesta. I am hungy and find a little returaunt called OSTERIA DEL pESCE lO zIRO with people sitting on the patio. I ask for a pastry and find they are closed. The owner looks at me and smiles, and waves for me to come in. She points at the case and I see two pies. As always I ask her what is her favorite. A giggle, this is what I always get. Generally people are happy that I would even ask, but my friend does not know what I am saying. She looks at me again, takes her bare hands, and takes one piece of each pie, puts them on a plate, and gives me a water. I smile and think, "she does not actually think I need all this". I reach in my bag a pay her, but she refuses and motions me to sit. She returns with a business card, smiles, and then says ciao as she leaves. I know when I do my tour of Tuscany, this will be a stop where we will have pie. I find Firenze, a beautiful city, a river, plenty to see and buy.
I coast on my bicycle, one foot clipped in, the other dangles and pushes as if I am on a scooter. I wind around people as I window shop. My way is much faster, but can be kinda tricky balancing on the cobbles and dodging spastic walking people.. People...so many people.
Yes a city and I am here only 3 hours before I have had enough and take the bus back to the village.

, Kateyn