On my ride I keep thinking to my self that it feels different this time. I cannot place it. It is not that the excitement has worn off, or that I do not appreciate this experience. I guess a feeling of reality and responsibility has found its way back into my life. I giggle, but do not laugh so hard that I snort..a recient usual occurance of mine....I wonder why...

Like going to the grocery store. Last time I went to the grocery store, Ruben escorted me around making sure I had everything figured out. I got it this time..... Weigh the fruit before you check out or you will piss off a spanish cashier(normally a she..and she will huff, roll her eyes and take off to weigh the produce mumbling something not pleasant); eggs, milk, and cheese are not necessary in the same location, agua con gas has carbonation and agua sin gas does not have carbonation; and canned meat has it own isle... if I liked canned meat- I would know where to find it....
Laundry..something I DID NOT DO ON A NORMAL BASIS my last trip (UNLESS YOU CONSIDER WASHING YOUR UNDERwear in the sink). I did laundry. Different..... You hang your clothes to dry outside the balcony. I learned that it is best to put two clothes pins on your underwear or you will find your undies 4 stories down on the street.
I make dinner for Ruben and 6 of his friends. It is my turn to cook and I decide on a vegetable lasagna with rocotta and a tomatoe sauce, something the spanish are not accustomed to. Nevertheless, I think they liked it, along with a katelyn style peach cobbler cake with a hard cream spread in between the biscuits made from french crepe mix..not bisquick.
So..I guess I feel like I am living not traveling this time, a weird feeling nonthe less. I find myself working on my laptop on trains, not staring at the foreign beauty. My goal for the day is to get 5 hours of work done, not getting a 5 hour ride in. I choose this... To bring work into my life as I travel to places where most people do not check their email every hour, or stop at a cafe to finish up meeting notes, or write a research proposal. Before the sun rises,I think about work nd work.... What I should be thinking about, because this is what pays the bills, not wondering around europe. Reality..I guess I love my new reality. It beats spending 10 hours a day in a cubicle, in a stuffy office, drinking stale coffee, counting the minutes till lunch. Now I Sit at a cafe with the background of spanish people talking, the music at the cafe is a mixture of "american top 40" and traditional spanish flamingo. I drink the best cafe con leche with real sugar, not splenda. Snack on home make tapas, not snack packs and granola bars.
Yes..this is my office and I love it...
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