Marco sent me a email speaking of how he apologized for not getting me to the airport in time to make my flight to Scotland. Truthfully, it did not phase me; I have accepted the fact that missed flights, being stranded in the middle of no where, getting on the wrong train, being completely lost, losing most of your belongings, and paying too much for a hotel because it is the only one available… is all apart of traveling. Even so, not even Marco can control the traffic of Pisa. He said one thing..”Non tutti I mali vengono per nuocere” or “Not all the Evils come to Harm”.
It is funny how all important things heard in life, do not actually include listening until you are ready. Victor, my old councilor and friend, once told me that the “ the teacher does not appear until the student is ready”. This lesson has begun to show its self to me as I progress through my recent past and as I continue my journey this day not on my bicycle how I want, but soaked in the cold Scottish rain, and my Italian Friend reminded me of this.
I awoke this morning, wet and cold; no appropriate camping grear such as a sleeping pad or sleeping bag due to a miscommunication between Ruben and I. Humorous actually, as the sun set last night we began to put up the tent in the Highlands of Glencoe,and Ruben looked at me and said where is your pad and bag? I said, I thought you were bringing it, I only have one. He smiled as said, “no problem, well at least you have a pillow”. I just laughted because it was true, at least I had a pillow, and a padded bike bag that worked perfect for a sleeping pad, I also had a sheet that we used for the bicycles, and I also had many layers of clothes and Ruben’s down coat (on a Spaniard would think he needed a down jacket in the Scottish summer-and come to find we did). So this morning as we planned our escape from the tent when the rain stopped, I had a thought only for a moment, that I was upset that today again I would not get a bicycle ride in because of the rain. .
”Non tutti I mali vengono per nuocere” replaced this thought as we began to drive and I actually looked up.
The sun, only visible for moments in time, would beam pushing the light with a force through the gray and blue clouds.
Florescent green land, highlighted the shadowed forest. The bald mountain tops glistened from the rain with a twinkle.
It is funny how all important things heard in life, do not actually include listening until you are ready. Victor, my old councilor and friend, once told me that the “ the teacher does not appear until the student is ready”. This lesson has begun to show its self to me as I progress through my recent past and as I continue my journey this day not on my bicycle how I want, but soaked in the cold Scottish rain, and my Italian Friend reminded me of this.
I awoke this morning, wet and cold; no appropriate camping grear such as a sleeping pad or sleeping bag due to a miscommunication between Ruben and I. Humorous actually, as the sun set last night we began to put up the tent in the Highlands of Glencoe,and Ruben looked at me and said where is your pad and bag? I said, I thought you were bringing it, I only have one. He smiled as said, “no problem, well at least you have a pillow”. I just laughted because it was true, at least I had a pillow, and a padded bike bag that worked perfect for a sleeping pad, I also had a sheet that we used for the bicycles, and I also had many layers of clothes and Ruben’s down coat (on a Spaniard would think he needed a down jacket in the Scottish summer-and come to find we did). So this morning as we planned our escape from the tent when the rain stopped, I had a thought only for a moment, that I was upset that today again I would not get a bicycle ride in because of the rain. .
”Non tutti I mali vengono per nuocere” replaced this thought as we began to drive and I actually looked up.

Staying out of the rain at a hotel or a café would of not given opportunity to wonder through a castle.

With the rain and not being able to ride, we took time to visit the Village of Fort William. A village adorned with bicycles, because the Mountain Bike World Championships were the week before.
Arriving late to our city of choice on the Isle of Sky, only to realize all rooms were booked…well except for a room, of a old woman that offers her home to tourist, would of not been experienced. We got a real taste of Scottish culture with a real Scottish breakfast, staying in a room with real Scottish decor, and laughs were brought on by being offered tea and home made pastries at midnight.
We were lost in Portman, a village on Skye, and happened upon a Scottish marching band. Following with the other tourists, we were maybe a little too excited. I was armed with camera and tried to capture the moment as we all got a fill of kilts and bag pipes.

All of this ….”Non tutti I mali vengono per nuocere”

(Scottish Face with Jimmie Hats- Pita's I may have spoiled your suprise)
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