I can hear the cracking of the fire and the slight tickle of water brushing against the lake side sandy beach. Poontoon boats are returning from their evening crews of the spring fed lake that is lined with summer vacation homes and boat docks that ground every water craft imaginable.
Fireworks decorate the sky and the waters surface reflect a rainbow palate that fades along with the pops of our dusk time entertainment.
I am vacationing at a summer cabin in Michigan with my mother and her 4 cousins; which are technically my second cousins, and seemingly perfect strangers to me up until four days ago. I am a guest at the annual cousin’s retreat, where these childhood friends that happend to be cousins come together and talk about old times, eat every bake good imaginable, drink a few “adult beverages” and go on mini day adventures. I also took an oath that what is ever done or said at the cabin stays at the cabin. I am sworn to secrecy
.......I am surprised with other things, besides the beautifl country side, that I have come to find on my trip to the cousin’ s retreat weekend. Unlike many cultures, the American culture seems to be disconnected with extended family. We do not stay in one place anymore. You grow up and move away, sometime never returning for more than a holiday. The American house hold seems to be shrinking, and extended family becomes a once a year potluck or a 5 year reunion at a camp ground in the middle of nowhere. The week I have come to know a part of my family, my grandfathers side of the family. I have always known I was alot like my mother. Now I see these other women with similar traits, and I find a sence of belonging in all of this.
At first I really kept my distance. Not that I did not feel welcome, but I did not want to intrude on something special these women look forward to each year. So I did my own thing that usually consisted of working on the computer, doing Yoga on the dock, and taking bike rides through the countryside, different than the Spanish countryside…..
Corn as far as the eye can see,
sections of flat farmland splashed with beautiful barns 

I am vacationing at a summer cabin in Michigan with my mother and her 4 cousins; which are technically my second cousins, and seemingly perfect strangers to me up until four days ago. I am a guest at the annual cousin’s retreat, where these childhood friends that happend to be cousins come together and talk about old times, eat every bake good imaginable, drink a few “adult beverages” and go on mini day adventures. I also took an oath that what is ever done or said at the cabin stays at the cabin. I am sworn to secrecy

At first I really kept my distance. Not that I did not feel welcome, but I did not want to intrude on something special these women look forward to each year. So I did my own thing that usually consisted of working on the computer, doing Yoga on the dock, and taking bike rides through the countryside, different than the Spanish countryside…..
Corn as far as the eye can see,

and broken down farm equipment, single enormous oak trees stand along the roadway or bunched together to create a bridge in which I ride my bike through. 

Horses and colts graze in the wildflower laden fields.

But this distance faded as I began to warm up to these women that were my blood. I participated in story telling, listened as they shared what lessons they learned from life, I shared my photos of europe, lounged in the sun and chatted, made smores by the fire, began to belch out loud to only "try" to out do them, I started to laugh so hard that I snortted and well we ate.....we ate alot at the cabin. I now can see maybe where my sweet tooth came from.
After four days I have to leave, I was sad that I had to leave such a relaxing place with the best company. However, I have other family that I must see and appreciate. Something that you can forget to do if you are not careful, but this week of learning about a family that I never knew reminded me of what I had and how much yet I have to learn.
Amore Katelyn
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