Have you had that thought as you go to the carwash when you think..”I wonder if I have enough quarters to get this clean and get the soap off”. Should I go to the ATM and get more cash, or wonder if the guy next to me can change a 20? You think..”well I guess I will try it and figure out later what to do if I have soap left on the car. I have had this conversation with myself many times, because a majority of the time car washing for me is spontaneous -not planned.
I actually went through this conversation today with myself, but not about washing my car…it was about washing myself.
A shower, something that I take for granted and tell you the truth I could not really care if I have one every day or even every other day. I guess you can call me a closet hippy. Mom told me I was always a dirty kid. I would go to the beach, sand box, grass area and throw myself down and roll around till I was absolutely covered in filth. She said I took great pride in my food art creations that I molded with my hands and that usually made it to the floor to feed my childhood dog Clancy. As a adult I know better then to buy white clothes, and I have learned that most of the time I have a collection of food on my face and remnants stashed on my clothes; majority of the time food can actually be found down my shirt and in my hair. When I go biking I come back looking the filthiest. Mud on my face, energy gel smeared on my jersey, chain ring grease all over my legs, some type of bodily fluid dried and crusted on my face because I have not mastered the snot rocket or loggie spit.
Today is not different I need a shower, really need one for multiple reason. One being that I am on a 10 day adventure of the Appalachian mountains range
I actually went through this conversation today with myself, but not about washing my car…it was about washing myself.
A shower, something that I take for granted and tell you the truth I could not really care if I have one every day or even every other day. I guess you can call me a closet hippy. Mom told me I was always a dirty kid. I would go to the beach, sand box, grass area and throw myself down and roll around till I was absolutely covered in filth. She said I took great pride in my food art creations that I molded with my hands and that usually made it to the floor to feed my childhood dog Clancy. As a adult I know better then to buy white clothes, and I have learned that most of the time I have a collection of food on my face and remnants stashed on my clothes; majority of the time food can actually be found down my shirt and in my hair. When I go biking I come back looking the filthiest. Mud on my face, energy gel smeared on my jersey, chain ring grease all over my legs, some type of bodily fluid dried and crusted on my face because I have not mastered the snot rocket or loggie spit.
Today is not different I need a shower, really need one for multiple reason. One being that I am on a 10 day adventure of the Appalachian mountains range
and so far half way through my road trip, my days have consisted of me traveling around to the Ocoee river
and Nantahala river.
Me, Cleo, and Snickers have been car camping, crashing on friends couches and raft outposts; our days are filled with kayaking, biking, going for runs, doing yoga, working on my laptop, all in 100 degree hot humid weather. They hang out on their leashes in the shade as I play and work hard for a living. 

One other reason for needing a shower is the fact that I have somehow acquired poison IVY that has made its self from my hand- to forearm- to leg- and who know what next? Maybe face tomorrow? I am told I need to take a shower to get the oil off.
So as I looked at the shower at the Nantahla Outdoor Center’s Outpost, there is actually a little box, a change machine, and a sign that states one minute of water for one quarter. I have 2 quarters this means 1 minute for washing and one minute for rinsing. “ What will I do if I do not get all the soap off. Ohhhh welll. I would not change a thing being here covered in poison ivy, filthy from the mud, dirt, and sweat for the 100 degree weather, and about to take my first 2 minute shower ever…. all good because If not -I would not of had all these awesome days like being….
On the Ocoee river with Dub, a graduate student that summers as a raft guide; graciously offered to be my Kayak buddy down the class IV Ocoee River that was home for me 8 years ago.
So as I looked at the shower at the Nantahla Outdoor Center’s Outpost, there is actually a little box, a change machine, and a sign that states one minute of water for one quarter. I have 2 quarters this means 1 minute for washing and one minute for rinsing. “ What will I do if I do not get all the soap off. Ohhhh welll. I would not change a thing being here covered in poison ivy, filthy from the mud, dirt, and sweat for the 100 degree weather, and about to take my first 2 minute shower ever…. all good because If not -I would not of had all these awesome days like being….
On the Ocoee river with Dub, a graduate student that summers as a raft guide; graciously offered to be my Kayak buddy down the class IV Ocoee River that was home for me 8 years ago.
Now it scares me….really scares me. I actually shake, my stomach gets in knots, and multiple times I considered taking my kayak up the gorge and just say “forget this!” I do not know if it is because I have not been here for the last 8 years, or if it is because I am getting older and wiser and I can see my life flash before my eyes alot easier. However that day on the river was a good day. I made one combat roll (this means I flipped over, not on purpose, and flipped upright on purpose) only swam one time (this means I flipped over, not on purpose, tried and failed to flip upright, and then ejected myself out of my boat to swim the rapids while trying to hold onto my kayak and paddle all while tring to swallow as little water as possible), and did a boof move (I have no idea how to describe it, but gave myself definite style points). So I was so happy to make it down the 5 mile stretch of river.. without bloodying my face, losing a shoe or paddle, with limited cussing, and most importantly having such a good time that I may have refound my passion for white water.
I would also not of had such a wonderful day with Debbie Sue and Mark as we rode Tsali Mountain Bike Train System http://www.mtbikewnc.com/trailheads/tsali.html, one of my top 5 trails of all time.
This place has alot of good memories, my hunny-moon was actually at this place. I can remember the excitement of a beginning with my husband, doing what we both loved to do, riding fast on the single track that covers about 40 miles of trails around Fontana Lake.
So being back here brings a since of sadness that he is not here with me to enjoy a place we both loved so much, but instead my new life has brought meeting a wonderful friend like Debbie Sue. She would not be in my life- this day would not of come unless he was not my husband anymore. Giving, thoughtful, strong, genuine woman that has been brought into my life under ironic circumstances.
So I reflect on this; how I came to find my new friend. I find myself imagining my ex-husband peddling in front of me, determined to no be passed by me, becoming irritated that I was on his wheel, and remind myself that things are better this way, remind myself I am happy this way.
This way….. Remind myself that I am happy this way. I am happy to be a girl that is a little dirty, does not plan simple common sence everyday things, seems to find herself being in the wrong places that end up making her itchy, a women that is not phased because she locked her keys in the ignition of her running car that was parked in the Walmart parking lot with her dogs trapped inside (yes did this yesterday and two wonderful women helped me),
So I reflect on this; how I came to find my new friend. I find myself imagining my ex-husband peddling in front of me, determined to no be passed by me, becoming irritated that I was on his wheel, and remind myself that things are better this way, remind myself I am happy this way.
This way….. Remind myself that I am happy this way. I am happy to be a girl that is a little dirty, does not plan simple common sence everyday things, seems to find herself being in the wrong places that end up making her itchy, a women that is not phased because she locked her keys in the ignition of her running car that was parked in the Walmart parking lot with her dogs trapped inside (yes did this yesterday and two wonderful women helped me),
a person that is hooked on a adrenalin rush from going too fast on her bicycle or kayaking rivers that she probably should not be on, a adult that can act like an "adult" or behave like a child...but no matter what knows how to have fun. I am learning to not appologize for me anymore... becuase this is me.
1 comment:
Hey, Katelyn. These pics make me miss home. Thanks!!
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