Thursday, 29 May 2008

I love when the French strike: Manorca, Spain

The words just popped out of my mouth, “Today we need to “do” like an American”. What I was communicating to Ruben, that yes, it is allot to plan a 5 day Holiday in a 12 hrs period, find and purchase flight tickets, pack our bags and bicycles, go to the bike shop, clean the house, and finish running the errands…. but this is what was needed if we were going to take advantage of the French transportation strike that has resulted is Ruben’s work train being stuck in France… and Ruben “forced” not to go to work.

I am pro- and I think our culture is gifted at doing too much in a short period of time. I think of all that we accomplish and I am amazed. Honestly I think most of what we strive for is unimportant and just leads to stress, always wanting more, and being unable to enjoy the moment. I have tried to stray away from this habit, but today it paid off; because doing to much in a short period of time lead me to Manorca, a breathtaking Mediterranean Balearic island that is only a 30 minute flight from Barcelona.

45km in length, once a British territory, now Spanish possession, land where mayonnaises was invented, and for some reason has the highest suicide rate in Spain; this island is a ecological heaven that has only slightly been touched by the tourism industry.
Yes, the Brits Holiday here, buy up land and build massive houses with in ground swimming pools. Hotels are situated on natural crystal blue pools with rock carved steps.
You can have an English breakfast here, pizza, hamburgers, and of course the traditional fish and chips; but with very little effort you can find yourself far away from commercialism.

Luckly for us, Ruben has a childhood friend that lives on the island. Cookie, that is honestly one of my favorite of Ruben’s friends, was our tour guide and host during another one of our adventures. We spent the days seeing the many different beaches with Rubens childhood friends and my new found friends….or as Cookie would say “family”.

Other days were spend walking the vastly different beaches

as Ruben seemed to prefer to take on his mountain goat characteristic
and scale the rock formations.

I followed when I felt comfortable, but most of the time found alternate routes.

We traveled by bicycle when the Mediterranean weather was agreeable. Perfect little bicycle friendly roads

lined with stone walls

in every direction that lead to dozens of beaches that were never alike,

stone so different that made if feel you were not even in the same part of the world.

We past typical Mediterranean modern houses

the houses of the past

and the protection from past blood shed.

We rode to beautiful sea side villages, each with culture from far off lands,
and comfort of the typical regional beauty.

So today, as I write this I am thankful for what the French strike has brought, the kindness of friends, and yes even my nature to "do" to much...for all this is worth one day of a little stress......

Friday, 16 May 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

I like to label these days of my life as… the good ol days of acne and wrinkles. I do not know wich is worse, but nevertheless I would rather do without both.

Doing without… I think most would say that approaching the age of 30-leaving the youth of the 20’s is something one would prefer to do without. However, as I was having one of those realization moments last night…with the feeling of the base trembling my insides, the unfamiliar scent of sweat mixed with cigarettes and alcohol, lights giving glimpses of colored shadows of Spanish smiles, and yes two kisses, one on each cheek followed by feliz cumpleanous….. a moment of awwwww… came over me. I had a complete awareness that nothing bad comes with getting older-well anything that reall matters.

Actually the exact opposite is true.

With age..time has brought me to a place where I have the job, financial security, the education to make a life that is based on freedom. Freedom that allows me to implement excellent project management skills, utilize my growing knowledge of the latest telecommunication technology; so I can take a four hour hike in the Les Agulles area of the Montserratt National Forest. All before my 8-5 central time zone office hours that I keep everyday as my mind and body convert to the Spanish way of life.

Age also has brought me the best friends. My eyes became filled with moisture, my nose started to sting, as I tried to hold back the tears. I looked around my mothers’s garden and living room.

Everything perfect, vases full of irises, the most delicate china, bite size deserts that were made from the loving hands of my mother and grandmother;

but the people staring back at me is what touched me the most. Almost all the special women in my life, the women that have been there for me when life seemed unbearable, women who have shared their wisdom, women to emulate, to respect, women that give me life; where there in all their beauty to celebrate a early birthday tea party.

So today, as I am reminded of what time has brought me, there is nothing I fear of what the next 10 years may bring