It is funny how a simple thing like a bicycle can teach me so much about life. My bicycle experiences remind me of life stories and sometimes I never realize it until I am on my bicycle. I take the time to stop….stop all that mindless thinking, planning, worrying and DOING… that consumes most. Hours peddling and spinning life out on the pavement, flying around trees; leaves only a blank mind canvas to begin the composition of my life music, I draft in my mind a melody that will harmonize all these awkward notes that get thrown at me.
Lately, I started to think about intensions; what this word means to me, how the word is used so loosely, how intensions as a concept has been defined in my past, and why I have just began to realize how important our life intensions are.
Intension… an action with a specific purpose in doing something- a end or goal is aimed at, or intended to be accomplish.
I intend to do a lot on my bicyle. Like this past week, I intended to do a mountain bike boot camp, ride single track with my friend Mark, scour the trails of Fort Mountain in Northern Georgia.
So happy to see me dear friend and have the opportunity to laugh, snort, snot, cuss, and partake in other non-lady like behaviors… all in two days as I rode with a handful of men that came to hurt and feel what endurance training was all about.
An expectation was formed in my mind. I had visions of smooth single track winding up and down the blue ridge mountains, crossing reeks, spooking deer- blazing downhill and riding around trees.
Lately, I started to think about intensions; what this word means to me, how the word is used so loosely, how intensions as a concept has been defined in my past, and why I have just began to realize how important our life intensions are.
Intension… an action with a specific purpose in doing something- a end or goal is aimed at, or intended to be accomplish.
I intend to do a lot on my bicyle. Like this past week, I intended to do a mountain bike boot camp, ride single track with my friend Mark, scour the trails of Fort Mountain in Northern Georgia.
So happy to see me dear friend and have the opportunity to laugh, snort, snot, cuss, and partake in other non-lady like behaviors… all in two days as I rode with a handful of men that came to hurt and feel what endurance training was all about.
An expectation was formed in my mind. I had visions of smooth single track winding up and down the blue ridge mountains, crossing reeks, spooking deer- blazing downhill and riding around trees.
This is what drove me to make the 5 hour drive and mentally prepaire for over 80 miles of mountain bike riding in two days. I soon found that I needed to shift my expectations and alter my intension of mountain bike riding on single track. Yes I was on a mountain bike, like I intended, but found myelf riding more on pavement, gravel roads, and even grass-not what I expected.
Attitude shift, Is what had to happen or I was going to have a miserable time. My focus shifted from what I was missing to what I had-what I was doing. I had Mark- right there besides me, the first man in a long time that is truly my friend.
Attitude shift, Is what had to happen or I was going to have a miserable time. My focus shifted from what I was missing to what I had-what I was doing. I had Mark- right there besides me, the first man in a long time that is truly my friend.
I met Van, Mark's friend that an amazing man that I have a feeling will also beome a good friend.

I was able to hear the inspiring story of Mike, the ex-pro BMX racer, firefighter, owner of http://www.cartecaybikes.com/rides/trails.htm Cartecay Bike Shop, president of the local club, care taker of miles and miles of trails, bicycle frame designer, and one of the biggest bicycle advocates I have met in a long time. He put this event on for free, he made no money, he did it becuase he loves his bicycle and what this love brings-good friends-and good times.
I was able to hear the inspiring story of Mike, the ex-pro BMX racer, firefighter, owner of http://www.cartecaybikes.com/rides/trails.htm Cartecay Bike Shop, president of the local club, care taker of miles and miles of trails, bicycle frame designer, and one of the biggest bicycle advocates I have met in a long time. He put this event on for free, he made no money, he did it becuase he loves his bicycle and what this love brings-good friends-and good times.
And I cannot forget....
I had the opportunity to play in a fire truck...thanks to Mike's connections.

I was able to look up at the beautiful mountain streams as I rode gravel roads-not really possible all the time when you are on single track. I had the opportunity to be a guest at a beautiful mountain haven for mountain bikers with the best home cookin food (the best berry cobler ever}. Most Importantly, all this remineded me that in real life, off the bicycle, intensions and expectations come the same way.
I was able to look up at the beautiful mountain streams as I rode gravel roads-not really possible all the time when you are on single track. I had the opportunity to be a guest at a beautiful mountain haven for mountain bikers with the best home cookin food (the best berry cobler ever}. Most Importantly, all this remineded me that in real life, off the bicycle, intensions and expectations come the same way.
We intend alot in life. Some intend more than others. Some float through life and others intend to live it -to its fullest. What matters if we try to take the chance to even intend- to intend a life boot camp. If we have to-be open to changing expecations, and not expecting “too” much of our selves and others. If we can only grasp the idea that even with having to change or alter our expectaions, we can still meet our intensions. This has been the biggest life lesson that I have learned and I hope my bicyle continues to remind me..when I forget it again.