Thursday 7 February 2008

My Hands, Suriana, Spain and Nashville, Tennessee

Hands, my hands; they looked like my legs after I have failed to stay “rubber side down” on my mountain bike ride. I was missing skin from my fingertips and the calices previously formed from gripping my bicycle handlebars seemed a little worn down from three days of contact with Conglomerate rock. Little cuts…I did not even notice until the scabs formed. As I bent my fingers to grip anything, they were unusually stiff. My fingernails, or lack thereof, had dirt caked underneath, and it seems my only hope was a manicure; if I were to spend money on these types of things these days. I kept looking down at these hands, they looked different than before; they took me to a familiar place within myself, reminded me of something I just recently learned about myself. As I reflect back as I write this today, I did not realize it at this time. Then… I looked down at my hands and was reminded of three wonderful days in Siurana located in Terragona, Senders de Cornudella, Spain.

I did not even know of this place. I guess if my experience with rock climbing over the past 8 yrs consisted more than sporadic sport climbing or sessions at the climbing gym; I would have been more involved with the sport to know how special this place is…

I guess it is better this way because I had no expectations really when Ruben said we were going to go climb about 1.5 hrs from his home in Montserratt. “Perfect”, he said as he described his “set-up”.

Suriana is a place where Muslim castles (one of Catalunya's last to fall to the Christians during the 12th-century's religious wars) overlook gorge-side cliffs that bottom to the Panta de Siurana, or the dam-created lake. The old village of Suriana looks down a deep gorge that is sliced by the Siurana River, a tributary of Spain's great Rio Ebro.

Rich with history of the past, the present Suriana is a sport climbers heaven.
(the famous La Rambla 9a+"britich tech scale")

With over 700 sport routes beginners like myself and the more advance like Ruben could find there self never touching the same route twice.

Ruben and two other friends have a camper

that permanently stays at a campground that can be usually populated by climbers, armatures and the famous from all over the world.
Showers-internet-heat-a real bed-restaurant with really good food; a better “homey” setup than climbing at San Bennet in Montserratt. I prefer to sleep outside on the dirt floor in the summer time, not winter; and showers are nice after a few days.

My Hands, I look down at my hands ….. The red fingernail polish has chipped away. By looking at them, you would of never thought I spent a hour on them yesterday. Only 3 weeks ago they had spanish soil that was caked underneath the nails. More skin is missing from my fingers from the textured plastic holds that have become my nighttime workout. My arms ache and my veins rise to the surface to give an appearance of streaking blue down my forearms.
In this time, my city in this time is rainy and cold….

Bicycles in the wet and cold are not as fun. I need to keep active!!!
Besides, my two best gal pals that I usually ride bikes with- also climb and frequent the indoor climbing gym. We come to climb-talk-gossip- I call it Ruben boot camp-practice spanish and climbing.
Sarah and I actually practice Spanish while we talk about all kinds of things…..

The same for Michelle and I..without the Spanish talking…we talk about everyday things and sometimes deeper topics, thoughts, and reflections, are expressed as we dangle from the roof.

This is where I realized how my hands took me to a familiar place within myself a few weeks ago in Spain. Unknowingly at the time, they reminded me of something I just recently learned about myself. Climbing with my hands is teaching me what I have been trying to practice in my personal life. For me, unlike mountain biking, kayaking, snowboarding, and climbing is about “responding” not “reacting”. For me these sports come naturally without thinking, I follow my instinct-fast-adrenalin-my mind is present but then at the same time absent, and tell you the truth most of the time I am out of control and can sometimes be pretty dangerous to myself and others. I “react” or leave my head out of it-emotional.

Climbing for me is about finding a calculated balance-patience- reaching the top not by just giving all your power to the effort- thinking ahead and having a present mind-it is about being so in tune with your body that you can tell your brain to use more of your legs than more than your arms- something that goes against all my nature.

I can tell you that I am not a good climber-it does not come natural to me, and this is why I love it. Just as in life, nor am I good about responding or using my head- I react. However, with time, patience, and practice; I hope to find myself being a better climber, and going through life responding not reacting in most situations.

So as I type this, I can barely bend my fingers to reach the bottom row of keys, I look down at my chaliced hands, and am thankful that little things in life like chipped fingernail polish, missing skin,remind me of little life’s lessons.
As always,